Get it Get it Get it Get it | Jack – Rebus Puzzles Collection with Answers

Here is a list of 20 popular rebus puzzles which is viral in social media groups.

Each of the given 20 clues in the below picture represents a solution which is a word or a phrase.

Try to solve these brain teasers as quickly as you can!

rebus puzzle collection

1. Get it Get it Get it Get it
2. Jack
3. Somewhere
6. Blood Water
7. Beeeeee
9. once
10. Egg Egg HAM
11. Try Stand 2
12. TOWN
13. NIbumpGHT
14. Aid Aid Aid
15. Mill1on
16. 3.14
17. ice3
19. Think
20. GROUND feet feet feet feet feet feet

The correct answers were given below…


  1. Forget it
  2. Jack in the box
  3. Somewhere over the rainbow
  4. Back Door
  5. Read between the lines
  6. Blood is thicker than water
  7. Beeline
  8. Cancelled Check
  9. Once upon a timepiece
  10. Green eggs and ham
  11. Try to understand
  12. Downtown
  13. Bump in the night
  14. First Aid
  15. One in a Million
  16. Apple Pie
  17. Ice Cube
  18. Rocking around the christmas tree
  19. Think outside the box
  20. Six feet underground
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