40 Rebus Puzzles Collection with Answers

Can you solve these 40 rebus puzzles?
- history history history
- R g rose e i n
- read (with lines above and below)
- Arrest You’re
- Me Meal Me a a l l Meal
- E more more more more
- wonalicederland
- me right
- stefrankin
- Chimadena
- settle (at bottom)
- millio1n
- drive drive drive drive
- land time
- mini’llbethereute
- Rail Rail
- scope (small)
- ban ana
- o_er_t_o_
- etad
- Meal by inverted V
- issue issue issue issue issue issue issue issue issue issue
- time time
- 1 knows
- BIG BIG ignore ignore
- chair (at top)
- ICE 3
- lang4uage
- 9S2A5F4E1T8Y6
- _______it
- chawhowhorge
- TULIPS tiptoe
- $0 all all all all
- knee light light
Scroll down to see the solutions.
- History Repeats
- Ring Around the Rosey
- Repeat After Me
- Read Between the Lines
- You’re Under Arrest
- Square Meals
- Ready for More
- Alice in Wonderland
- Right in Front of Me
- Frankenstein
- Made in China
- Settle Down
- One in a Million
- 4 Wheel Drive
- Land Before Time
- I’ll Be There in a Minute
- Rail Crossing
- Microscope
- Banana Split
- Pain Free Operation
- Update
- Balanced Meal
- Tennis Shoes
- Excuse Me
- Time After Time
- Bad Influence
- Won by a Nose
- Too Big to Ignore
- Big Bird
- High Chair
- Ice Cube
- Foreign Language
- Space Invader
- Safety in Numbers
- Blanket
- Who’s in Charge
- Nothing Left
- Tip Toe Through the Tulips
- Free for All
- Neon Lights